Start the Internet History of Indonesia

RMS Ibrahim, Suryono Adisoemarta, Muhammad Ihsan, Robby Soebiakto, Putu, Firman Siregar, Adi Indrayanto are some legendary names in the early development of the Internet may be of a much less known by the Internet audience in Indonesia this year 2000. Each has personal mengkontribusikan expertise and dedication in building a snippet snippets history-computer network in Indonesia. At that time in the early 1990's Internet network in Indonesia, better known as paguyuban network. The spirit of cooperation, kinship & gotong royong very warm and felt among the perpetrators. Slightly different atmosphere with the Internet this week that Indonesia is more commercial and individual activities, especially in a trade involving the Internet.

Writings about the existence of the Internet network in Indonesia can be viewed in several articles in print media such as KOMPAS entitled "computer network using low cost radio" at the end of 1990 / early 1991's. Also, several short articles in Magazines Mahsiswa Electrical Himpunan electron ITB in 1989-an. I am the accidental author of several articles of it. Does not feel the time passed so quickly, without feeling that we all have been through more than 10 years ago.

Inspiration writings early Internet comes from Indonesia our activities in amateur radio, especially colleagues in the amateur Radio Club (ARC) at the ITB in 1986-an. Have capital plane Rig Kenwood TS430 HF SSB property Harya Sudirapratama YC1HCE with the Apple II computer owned YC1DAV about a dozen young people, such as ITB Harya Sudirapratama YC1HCE, J. Tjandra Pramudito YB3NR (now lecturer at UNPAR), Suryono Adisoemarta N5SNN (now lecturer at Texas, U.S.) with my YC1DAV we act on the senior amateur radio as Robby Soebiakto YB1BG, Achmad Zaini YB1HR, Yos YB2SV, YB0TD in the 40m band. Mas Robby Soebiakto YB1BG the temperature of the amateur radio in India, especially for data communication packet radio, which then push on to the TCP / IP, packet radio technology, TCP / IP, which was then in the adoption by colleagues BPPT, eight, UI, & ITB which then became the object of PaguyubanNet in the years 1992 to 1994-an. Mas Robby Soebiakto YB1BG is the coordinator of the first IP-AMPR net (amateur Packet Radio Network), which is known as the Internet domain and IP AMPR.ORG 44132. Currently AMPR-net in the koordinir by author YC1DAV. Coordination of its activities, and require someone to become a member ORARI and coordination through the mailing list

In the years 1986 to 1987-an early development of packet radio network in Indonesia Mas Robby is also a pioneer YB1BG be friends amateur radio Australia amateur network that link the Bulletin Board System (BBS) is a network of e-mail store and forward that link the many " server "BBS amateur radio around the world that e-mail can run smoothly. In the early 1990's the communication between the time I was in Canada with a call YC1DAV/VE3 colleagues amateur radio in India is done through a network of amateur radio is. Equipment with the PC / XT and 2 meter walkie talkie, communication between the Indonesia-Canada continues to do well through a network of amateur radio. Mas Robby YB1BG that build successful amateur satellite gateway in the home in Cinere via satellite OSCAR-owned satellite amateur radio communication and we do more than that between India-Canada. Slowly in the knowledge transfer through a network of amateur radio is.

RMS Abraham (usually called Ibam) motor behind its Internet operations in the UI, when this paper was written in Singapore to continue S3. Ibam an operator to run the gateway to the Internet from the UI is part of the network universities in Indonesia UNINET. UUCP protocol that is simpler than TCP / IP is used mainly used to transfer e-mail & newsgroups. RMS Ibrahim is also the first holder of the Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) that day is known as dikemudian IDNIC (

Muhammad Ihsan is a staff researcher at eight Ranca bungur not far from Bogor in the early 1990s boosted by its head-Bu Adrianti in cooperation with DLR (Germany NASA is) trying to develop a computer network using packet radio technology in the 70cm band & 2m. Network is known as JASIPAKTA with the support of DLR Germany. TCP / IP in operasikan above protocol AX.25 packet radio on infrastructure. Pak Ihsan this relay which operates between the ITB in Bandung with the Internet gateway that is in the BPPT.

Pak Firman Siregar is a motor that operates at BPPT gateway packet radio work on the 70cm band. 386 PC running a simple program on the NOS DOS operating system used as a gateway packet radio TCP / IP. IPTEKNET still in very early stages of development communication channel to the internet still using X.25 network through the gateway SKDP related DLR in Germany.

Putu a name attached to the development of PUSDATA DEPRIN time the leadership of Pak Tungki Ariwibowo BBS run until the time is still operating. In the early period of development Pak Putu BBS is meritorious in the e-mail users, particularly in Pak Putu very lucky to have a minister Pak Tungki a "maniac" and it's impressive that Mr. Tungki said he will e-mail itself. Pak Tungki is perhaps the first minister of Indonesia said that e-mail itself. I was amazed-terkagum any answers e-mail from a minister of Pak Tungki that time was in South America in a work visit. Remarkably, a minister but remain menyempatkan itself to reply to e-mail.

Mas Suryono Adisoemarta N5SNN at the end of 1992 to return to Indonesia, the opportunity is not missed by members of amateur Radio Club ARC ITB as Basuki Suhardiman (now in the AI3 ITB), Aulia K. Arief (now in WAHID), Arman Hazairin (now in Telkomsel) boosted by Adi Indrayanto (S3 now in the UK) to try to develop the gateway packet radio in the ITB. As the spirit of the PC 286 & bermodalkan former ITB is perhaps the most institutions nekad for the poor in the network PaguyubanNet. Other partners such as UI, BPPT, eight, PUSDATA DEPRIN institutions that are more related to the first network in the 1990s they have facilities that are far better than ITB. ITB modem in the form of packet radio Terminal Node Controller TNC is an equipment loan from Muhammad Ihsan's eight.

As 1200bps packet radio technology in the top, and the ITB developed in 1995 to obtain an 14.4Kbps connection to the Leased Line RISTI Telkom as part of IPTEKNET fixed Internet access is provided free to colleagues the other. September 1996 is a transition year for the ITB, ITB because of the Asian research network interconnection Internet Initiatives (AI3) so that the gain bandwidth of 1.5Mbps (now 2Mbps) to Japan, which continues with the connection to TelkomNet & IIX of 2Mbps. ITB eventually became one of the most important part in the education network in Indonesia to call himself AI3 Indonesia that link the 25 + education institutions in Indonesia.

Network education is not only Monopoly ITB course, the education network in the larger network is that CMS dibawahi Dikmenjur (, which currently has 270 + SMK connect across the country. There are currently 4000 SMK who have a very large potential if successfully linked. That can not yet link the 10,000 high school to the Internet no less surely exclaim him connect with the 1300 PTN / PTS (currently ~ 200 new PTS / related PTN) across the country to the Internet.

In 1989-1990s, friends students abroad began to build the discussion on the Internet, one of the discussion in the Internet that are in the first From the first mailing list in the Janus discussions among friends abroad students with alternative ideas ditumbuhkan awareness. Mailing list this pattern appeared to continue to develop a mailing list from the legendary janus, eventually became very numerous, especially Indonesia mailing list is hosted by the server in the ITB & Mailing list eventually became one of the facilities that are strategic in the development of the Internet community in Indonesia.

In the 1994's began operating IndoNet led by Sanjaya. IndoNet is Indonesia's first commercial ISP at the time the POSTEL not know about your midst & Internet business is still very few Internet users in Indonesia. Seingat my initial connection to the Internet is done using a dial-up by IndoNet, a step that is perhaps nekad. Location IndoNet still in the area in the complex Rawamangun lecturers UI accidental father is a lecturer Sanjaya UI. As we know that the development of the Internet business in the 60-flare with an ISP to obtain a license from the government. ISP Association (APJII) in the form motori cs by Sanjaya in the 1998's. Effisiensi connection between the ISP continues to be build with several Internet Exchange (IX) in Indosat, Telkom, APJII (IIX) & some other ISP that mutual exchange. APJII manouver even begin to enlarge the market share of Internet in Indonesia with SMU2000 program, which then developed into Sekolah2000.

Development should be the last one is the trend toward e-commerce and internet cafes that one other & support each other in Indonesia produce a more solid information in the world. Colleagues to build e-commerce community in several mailing lists such as the main,, & While colleagues WARNET many organizers gathered in, on 25 May 2000 is a historic day for colleagues WARNET - because the association was born cafe is physically in the meeting in the office Dikmenjur. Chairman of the Association are co-Warnet Rudy Rusdiah, Treasurer and Secretary Adlinsyah colleague Abdullah Koro. WARNET in Indonesia akan provided domain

So flash in Internet history, we realize that our struggle is still long. There are still many things that require to be continued in order to menggerakan of Indonesia towards knowledge based society.
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